Art Holiday Travel and Vacation information for Kilkenny

"Kilkenny, a county of Ireland, province of Leinster, 40 m. long and 20 broad; bounded E by Catherlough and Wexford; W by Tipperary, N by Queen's county, and S by Waterford, containing 510,000 acres, divided into 127 parishes. The soil is generally of a good quality, with little bog land. In the N are excellent quarries for flags; coal is produced in great abundance; in the limestone district are valuable marble quarries; and manganese, iron ore, lead ore, and some indication of copper ore, are perceived in different parts. Chief rivers, the Suire, Barrow, and Nore. It sends 2 members to parliament. Pop. 157,096."
[From The New London Gazetteer (1826)]