The Long House

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This sunny house is situated off the road at the head of a sheltered bay looking out towards the north end of Iona. Wild flowers, oyster catchers, eider duck, cormorants and other sea birds, seals, silver sand beaches and shells abound.

Boat trips to Iona, Staffa and the Treshnish Isles are available, as are fishing, bathing, walking, touring, wonderful views, sunsets and simply lazing about.

The varied landscape is formed by the underlying geology and Iona Marble, Lewisian Gneiss, Basalt and Schist are all found within 5 miles of the house which is built from local red granite.

Comfortably furnished and sleeping six in two bedrooms, the Long House is ideal for a family holiday or for two couples with up to two children.

The Long House offers 1 double, 1 family bedroom, bathroom with shower over bath, lounge/diner, separate kitchen.


Situated in Mull, Stirling, Loch Lomond, Trossachs & W Isles

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